Canine Disk Disease

Intervertebral disk disease is a common cause of lower back pain in those breeds with long backs and short legs (Dachshunds, Corgis, and Bassets most commonly). The physics of having the back suspended over an unusually long length allows it to bow abnormally and be...

Canine Soft Tissue Trauma

Pets are often brought to the veterinary clinic after suffering soft tissue trauma. Bones are considered ‘hard tissue,’ anything else is ‘soft tissue’. This can be from impact from vehicles, falling from high surfaces, or suffering an athletic injury (sprains, strains...

Canine Conditioning – Warm up

When human sports medicine doctors discuss conditioning and performance they usually delve into appropriate warm up and cool down exercises.  There has been a good amount of research on the performance of the equine athlete, along with the human athlete, and we can...