Senior Dog Care

senior-dog-careIf you are lucky enough to have your dog into old age, keep in mind that they need some special considerations to be healthy and safe. A large breed over 10 years of age, and a small breed over 12 is an elderly dog.

Every aging body, no matter the species, undergoes some of the same changes: joints stiffen, muscles weaken, the eyes see less, the ears hear less, and the brain and reflexes becomes less sharp, to mention a few. Unfortunately, we can’t turn back the hands of time, but with some forethought and attention, we can make their last years more comfortable.

Senior Dog Arthritis

senior-dog-arthritis-1One of the easiest things to address that can make the most difference in the long run, is arthritis and stiffening of the joints. Most old dogs prefer to lie in a sun spot most of the afternoon instead of playing like they did when they were young. (The previous article was about arthritis in dogs so we won’t rehash all that again!) Whatever the type of arthritis an elderly dog has, it results in painful joints, so he doesn’t walk as much. Laying around all day results in muscle weakness and tightening of the joint capsule, and the arthritis progresses more quickly. He’s not moving so he does not burn as many calories. Many owners see the old dog lying around more, feel sorry for him, and give more snacks and treats. Now he puts on weight (2 articles ago was on the overweight dog!), making it even more difficult to get up and walk around with this extra weight to carry. It can be a rapid downward spiral, and before you realize it, you have an obese dog. Please do not get caught in this trap!

Senior Dog Exercise

senior-dog-exerciseIt is very important that the senior dogs continue to exercise. We do many orthopedic evaluations on older dogs and find deficits in joint motion that the owner was not aware of because the dog had not yet begun to limp. We can show you how to do some easy exercises to “loosen up” the joints, and develop an exercise routine that keeps the animal mobile. After a dog has received a diagnosis of degenerative joint disease, we can assist the regular veterinarian with appropriate rehabilitation that helps regain flexibility and strength, and often allows the dose of medication to be decreased, if not removed altogether. We use a combination of stretching, specific exercises, and therapeutic ultrasound. We are big proponents of weight control as well. In addition to lower calorie feeds, there are specific senior dog foods that are easier to digest. Many supplements are marketed to improve various effects of aging.

Best Exercise for Dogs

Swimming, also known as Aquatic Therapy, is a wonderful exercise for the old dog. It offers cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength without the stress on the joints that land work requires.

Taking Care of Dogs

taking-care-of-dogsMany old dogs need a pet ramp to get up and down porch stairs with less discomfort. There are some great dog beds on the market that are supportive. A good rule of thumb when shopping for a therapeutic dog bed, is that if you can feel the floor through it, it is not supportive enough. Many super plush beds compress with little effort. Memory foam beds are great. Some old dogs gain great comfort from a heated dog bed. I had a 15-year-old Sheltie mix that became a very late riser once I bought her a heated dog bed! As one dog in the family becomes old and less steady on her feet, it may become necessary to protect her from a more rambunctious and youthful playmate. Play might need to be supervised and the youngster taught to be more gentle. It is not uncommon for old dogs to experience hearing loss; it’s important to understand that they may not hear a car coming or hear you calling them, so they will need more attention and protection.

It is important to take the old dog to the vet for routine blood work every year or two. Many common ailments can be treated or managed if they are discovered early, from kidney disease to heart disease, giving you more time with your companion. If you are lucky enough to have your dog into old age, there are many resources that can help you keep it in the best shape and health possible, and physical rehabilitation and exercise is one of the best.